Designing Spaces’ Debi Marie meets up with Jane Chang Bright, Ambassador with Trinity International Industries, at one home that could use some organizational help! In this first of a four part series, Jane and Debi go through the house and turn mess and disorder into “Everything in its place”™. Jane and Debi start in the kitchen, a difficult area of the house to truly get organized. With the addition of a baker’s rack, cart, and baskets for drawers, the kitchen is organized. Jane emphasizes how organizing prevents wasting time, space, and money. Next, they move to a bedroom closet where innovative shelving solves a number of space saving issues. Then, it’s on to the kid’s playroom, where a mess is transformed thanks to shelving racks and collapsible crates. Of course, they are accessible to kids so that toys can be put back in their proper space. More organizing to come, in part two.